IG Launch
2021 / McDonald’s HK
Team Management / Strategic Planning / Art Direction / Creative Concept / Photography Production
1/ Differentiate Instagram with McDonald’s Facebook social contents to avoid repetition
2/ Grow to 30k followers in a year
3/ Get @mcdonaldshk first launch to differentiate with other countries by injecting local accents.
Rebrand with I’M LOVIN’ IT
Pre-Launch Announcement Posts
一樣都會搵到 佢哋嘅蹤影啦!即刻Follow @mcdonaldshk #mcdonaldshk #imlovinit
#等咗咁耐 #終於開 #肚餓嘅時候用嚟望梅止渴 #識咗咁耐 #冇理由唔Follow我啦 -
Over, over!收到就Follow我啦!
即刻Follow @mcdonaldshk#mcdonaldshk #imlovinit #冇人講咪我講囉 #麥記開IG #而家咪叫你囉
Creative Grid System
Relaunch i’m lovin it platform with the new twist of heart
Always-On Contents
View @McDonaldshk Here
While our content has gained high engagement that leads to a slow steady follower growth, activation and further engagement would be required in order to hit our 30,000 (100 per day) follower mark by the end of the year.
Fan growth jumps when leveraging culture and KOL’s or through incentives and engagement. The best incentives to use are connected to the brand and allows us to bring out brand love.
Use Instagram stories games with brand-connected incentives in order to drive consistent fan growth as well as generate high engagement and brand love
DDB Group HK
Team Lead
Venus Li
Art Director
Venus Li / Erika Tang / Riko Miyazaki / Aaron Cheng
Chiu Chan
Strategic Planner
Garron Chiu
In-house Photographer
Anthony Fan
Account Servicing
Sharon Liu